Friday, 28 June 2013

First Customer Order

My very first customer order for a Little Friend, Customised Dinosaur.

What do You Think?

Fashion Post: Bargain Buys

Bargain buys this week these gold and leopard print sandals from Peacocks. I had my eye on them a couple weeks back. 
The original price was £12 but they have 30% off selected products at the moment so I thought why not, I got to the counter and they ended up being half price at only £6. Woohoo!

Pearlescent & Diamante Trim Top 

Asda have a summer sale that started in store yesterday so I thought I would have a look so I could pick up some clothes for Ollie and Joel. 

I got a Muppet outfit for Joel at only £3 and 2x pack sleep suits £3. For Ollie I got a monkey top for £1.50 and a jumper £3, absolute bargains. 

Of course I had to look for me too and got a t-shirt with gem detail for just £4. So all three of us kitted out for £14.50, couldn't find anything for daddy though.  

I keep thinking about this bag I saw from Select its £14 and would go brilliantly with my bargain sandals. Should I get it?
They also have up to 60% off selected items at the moment. 

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Ding Dong

Avon Calling....I've just signed up to be a representative.

I love the products, I am at home with the kids, I like to get out for a walk, I want to earn money so why not.

I'm on my first campaign so why not check out my online brochure and put an order in. 

My Picks for Campaign 12:

I'm loving the funky nail wraps and half price at only £4. My favourite Mascara Supershock is only £5 and limited edition Fergie fragrance Outspoken Fresh at only £10.99. 

Remember check out my online brochure

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Animal Friends - 2

As I made Ollie a Panda animal yesterday I had to make Joel one too so I decided on an elephant.

What do you think?

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

New Animal Friends At Craft Box

New product for craft box just launched: Little Animal Friends.

My son Ollie loves pandas so I thought I would have a go at making one for him. I stitched his name on the back as I know we all love personalised things. 

I am happy to make.....well have a go at making any animal and add a name of your choice. I am selling these at £6.95 plus postage.

Why not treat your little one to a animal friend. Let me know you can order through my facebook page Kelly's Craft Box or just inbox me.

Ollie with his Panda Friend:

Monday, 17 June 2013

To My Boys

After reading a fellow bloggers post who wrote a letter to her son who is 5 months old now but he can read it in the future. I thought it was a great idea so I'm doing the same for my boys. It's not really a letter but pointers. 

Ollie you are 2 years old (26 months to be exact) and Joel you are 5 and half months at the moment in the coming years I hope you both grow into well mannered, kind, thoughtful, decent teenagers /men so here are a few things I would like you to think about:
  1. Don't judge someone by appearance. 
  2. Be careful with money, if you haven't got enough wait until you have. We didn't and got in a mess which takes years to get out of. 
  3. I'd rather you didn't smoke as it kills and it stinks. 
  4. Travel - Open your eyes and see how others live in the world.  
  5. Don't be greedy it doesn't make you a happy person.
  6. Be sensible and responsible. 
  7. Manners in a person is attractive so use them. 
  8. Do things you enjoy.  
  9. Don't plod through life go get it.  
  10. Remember I'll always be your mum so talk to me, maybe I can help.
  11. Don't take any crap from anyone. 
  12. Don't go near drugs it's really not worth it.  
  13. Look after each other.
  14. If something is bothering you talk about it don't dwell.
  15. Only be with someone if you want to be.

I love you both so much and want you to get the most you can out of your precious lives. It goes so quickly so enjoy it. 

Love Mummy xx

What made me laugh

Ollie was pretty funny yesterday firstly we went for a walk with grandma and aunty Izzy and he started picking up the cut grass left by a mower so we said make a grass man so for ages he piled the grass then when he'd had enough he jumped in it. 

He then took his shoes off which was fine but then he started taking his trousers off, no idea why but it made me laugh. It was like he was having a bath in the grass.

Later that day Ollie wanted chocolates that were on the dinner table so I let him have 4 which was probably too many anyway so I said no more but of course he wanted more so kept asking and climbing on the chair to get closer so I said the chocolates are sleeping not sure why but I thought he might stop but he said "wake them up" haha! 

He can say the funniest things at times and he doesn't even know it. 

Friday, 14 June 2013

Baby Sleeping

Joel slept through til 5am this morning he hasn't had a night like that for so long. The past three weeks I have been getting up 2-3 times in the night which has made me feel exhausted maybe I've been feeling it more cause I've been getting pretty stressed with Ollie's behaviour which you can read about in previous posts so with that and not feeling I'm getting a breather. I'm also eating more rubbish food as a comfort see Need To Binge post.

Anyway he fell asleep at 9pm downstairs, I was going to give him his last feed of milk but he obviously didn't need it. I did give him more food (not milk) at dinner time as he seemed to want it as every time I stopped he whimpered. 

8 hours straight was brilliant, great shame I stayed up to watch big brother - what a fool.

Need To Binge

I've been trying to lose weight after having Joel 5 and half months ago which I have and calculated that it must be about 20lb that I have lost so far.

The last few weeks though I have lost all motivation I was steadily losing 1-2lb a week by walking lots, eating less and if I had anything bad I would share it. Yesterday it hit me that I have to stop eating so much rubbish as I'm feeling the pounds coming back on and I'm feeling so sluggish. I can eat a bag of sweets or a big bar of chocolate most days or if like the other day I ate a whole pack of Oreo biscuits. What the hell am I doing that's over 500 cals alone.
 I keep thinking why and when am I doing this and it does tie in when I'm extremely stressed with Ollie's behaviour. I at times get so angry inside I escape to the kitchen on the look out for anything bad I can get my hands on to calm me down and most of the time I'm not even hungry so I guess I'm comfort eating but if I carry on I'm going to get huge and I defiantly will not be happy with myself then. 

After reading a post yesterday on bingeing it actually made me feel better its not just me and it can be linked to stress or even depression.
 I'm not alone so today I have started using Myfitnesspal again as it logs everything I eat or any exercise I do to keep track, I did this before and it does help as you become more concious of what you eat. 
New day and new me (hopefully) I've already struggled as Ollie has been very difficult this morning so I've been so tempted to eat but I haven't given in. I hope I can carry on with the same attitude today.

Monday, 10 June 2013

10 Things You Like About Yourself

I was reading a post on netmums today about 10 things you like about yourself and most do not find it easy to come up with 10. 
I'm someone who is very negative about themselves and take things to heart if someone says something to me about appearance or just a comment about me I can always take it the wrong way.

Anyway here goes, 10 things I like about ME:

1. I create beautiful children.
2. I try my best in everything.
3. I make an effort with my appearance.
4. I have managed to breast feed both babies.
5. I have straight teeth.
6. I like that I have a creative side.
7. I'm not the most confident of people but I try and push myself to go to groups and meet new people.
8. I'm pretty good at organising.
9. I made a pretty good cake the other day.
10. Er! I can wear red.

OMG it is so hard to be nice about yourself. Anyone else want to try?

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Some Days I Feel I've Just Had Enough

This week well actually the last 3 weeks have been difficult.....why well here's a list:

- Both kids crying at same time.
- Ollie's constant naughtiness.
- Ollie not listening to a word I say 
- Ollie laughing at me when being
told off
- Getting woken up constantly at night
- never having time on my own
- Organising a get together for everyone to cancel on the day
- Noise from neighbours
- Family member dispute
- No one listening when I say I need a break
- Mess
- Headache 
- Hay fever 
- Kids nappies leaking my side of the bed
- Changing two lots of disgusting nappies daily 
- inconsiderate people
- Me not being patient 
- Me flipping out and being so stressy  

It may sound trivial to most but day in and day out I feel I'm going to explode. I miss freedom, quiet and just being alone.

Maybe I'm being selfish as I am a mum of two what did I expect, life had to change but in all honesty I didn't know it would be this hard.
I always found work difficult as I have never been where I wanted to be, I've always felt replaceable and at times invisible in an office. 
At home I'm needed but to have sole responsibility at times is difficult to handle so hats off to single mums and dads out there you are truly amazing. 

Anyway my apologies rant over - I feel a little better for it. 

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

New Baby Cousin

Lorenzo, Joel & Ollie
Ollie and Joel now have a cousin join them in the Edwards clan.

Baby Lorenzo born at 4.48am on 30th May, weighing 7lb 12oz. Although Ollie has adopted the name Puzzle for some unknown reason but it's very sweet.

Not sure how Ollie will react to more Grandma and grandad sharing.

Couldn't believe how big Joel looks in comparison, they grow so quickly.

Brothers with sons

I always find babies such an exciting event. Maybe it's the innocence and starting fresh.

Two friends are having second babies towards the end of the year :)