I'm finding my child hard work he doesn't like to sleep early, he's on the move and very loud. Other mums tell me their kids are in bed by 7pm, no chance I really don't know how they do it. If I put Ollie in his cot at 7pm he will roll around, shout and cry, bang his feet on the bars and no way will he cry hmself to sleep he just gets louder the longer you leave him.
Last night it was 11pm before he finally fell asleep beforehand he was a nighmare he seems to come alive at night (I blame his dad). I do the whole bath thing, turn lights low, give milk, try and read a story but it's impossible to calm him down.
Luckily last night he only woke once at 3.30am gave him a cuddle and dummy which sent him back to sleep until 9am - absolutly brilliant hope every night is like that as i'll actally get some sleep.
He has only been in his own room or the last two nights and both have been pretty good and I must say I prefer having my room back even though the hubby was reluctant but he's not the on who get up at stupied times.
In over 7 months I haven't actually had a break from this and i'm still sane well just about .
Friday, 25 November 2011
Friday, 18 November 2011
7 months and 2 days
Well what a testing time it has been over the last 7 months, for the last month the little man has been very difficult - sleeping is non existant except for the odd day here and there but he seems to be extremly active in the evenings even after the whole bath - calming down cuddle - milk routine it just doesn't matter he decides when we go to bed and lately he falls asleep by 10.30pm and then wakes again for milk crying between 12.30-3am. Last night I even had the neighbour shout through the wall "shut up" what a cheek (they are our noisy neighbours) it's not like I have a mute button he's a baby for gods sake.
Over the past week he now pulls himself along on his tummy, sits himself up and yesterday even tried to get out of his buggy. I can see hard times ahead, he's going to be hard work but probably fun aswell.
Over the past week he now pulls himself along on his tummy, sits himself up and yesterday even tried to get out of his buggy. I can see hard times ahead, he's going to be hard work but probably fun aswell.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Feeding & Teething
Well I have been weaning Ollie for 5 weeks now and this has been the toughest week so far he just will not eat and he finds it funny to knock a spoonful of food out of my hand so it goes flying. I'm finding it incredibly stressful as what am I do to if he will not eat. I've tried all sorts of veg and fruit but last night I tried Plum Blueberry, Banana & Vanilla pouch and he ate the lot he's had this before and loved it, I may need to stock up on this if nothing else does the trick.
Is it because he has a cold or is it due to teething...............I have no idea, I just know for the past two weeks i've had no sleep and become very irritable.
Any ideas anyone?
Thursday, 20 October 2011
6 month milestone
6 months on and little Ollie is now sitting up on his own, eating breakfast and dinner, saying Dadda, holding his own bottle oh the changes are amazing he has a cheeky character already.
He still does'nt sleep but this time I think it's because of teeth so still 2-3 hour wake ups if it stays this way I really don't know how i'll cope with full time work next year - dreading it.
Time is ticking away so fast and I actually like being at home so it's going to be a big nasty shock going back plus i'm not being given an option of flexi or cutting hours so big childcare bills are on it's way and leaving my little baby. :(
He still does'nt sleep but this time I think it's because of teeth so still 2-3 hour wake ups if it stays this way I really don't know how i'll cope with full time work next year - dreading it.
Time is ticking away so fast and I actually like being at home so it's going to be a big nasty shock going back plus i'm not being given an option of flexi or cutting hours so big childcare bills are on it's way and leaving my little baby. :(
Sunday, 28 August 2011
19 weeks in

We still have problems with him sleeping through the night as he is now teething so every 2 hour wake ups can take it's toll at times but saying that last night he woke just the once and then slept until 7am whoopee! he has also started daytime naps which never used to happen so I can now have some time to myself.
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
6 weeks in
Well i've now been a mummy for over 6 weeks, it has been stressful but also rewarding as i'm getting a few smiles from my little man now. Each day you see the changes, he is more alert and finding objects more interesting.
I'm finding my little man rather difficult at the moment because he tends to fight sleep and has alot of wind so some days it's constant crying and with myself also being deprived sleep it's not easy to keep sane. I get my husband to watch him for an hour in the evening while I nip out and do something like the food shop as it makes me feel normal again which does the world of good as it gives me the energy to fight through another day.
I can't help looking at the little fella sometimes and thinking he's mine with a smile on my face and feeling rather proud.
I'm finding my little man rather difficult at the moment because he tends to fight sleep and has alot of wind so some days it's constant crying and with myself also being deprived sleep it's not easy to keep sane. I get my husband to watch him for an hour in the evening while I nip out and do something like the food shop as it makes me feel normal again which does the world of good as it gives me the energy to fight through another day.
I can't help looking at the little fella sometimes and thinking he's mine with a smile on my face and feeling rather proud.
Saturday, 7 May 2011
It's a Boy
It has been a while since my last post but baby was over due by exactly a week and I had a horrendous 30 hours plus of labour. It all kicked off early on 15th April but I didn't get a hospital room until 6pm that night as no beds were available and everything that could happen did, the pain was awful and to top it the newly qualified midwife kept panicing because she kept losing baby's heart beat so other's kept coming in to examine me which every time made me bleed even more, i'm sure it was because I was so uncomfortable had to move so it moved the monitor. I had high blood pressure, I had to have fluids pumped into me and that was a chore in itself as the trainee dr punched holes in my arm to find a vein when she should have put it in my hand. Four times they had to use a Catheter - ouch! Baby was found to be back to back and was not lowering into the birth canal so I had to have contractions intensified to an unbearable level in the end after having Pethidine, Gas and Air they gave an Epidural at about 11am on 16th but as baby still would not move they said it may result in a C-section if a vontouse or forcepts didn't work, so off I went to theatre with about 10 people all trying to get the baby out he finally did with forcepts at 12.39pm and the shocker being a baby boy as we had been told we were having a girl at the 20 week scan.
It was a long and memorable labour that I will be reluctant to do again. The first week was also very hard with about 5/6 hours sleep for the whole week and combining the after pain of stitches and breast feeding it hasn't been easy.
He is now 3 weeks old so it has become easier and I feel slightly more human with having a bit more sleep but the feeding is out of control some days you feel like a milking machine and cannot do anythin else it certainly is a big life change, but I wouldn't change it as we have some fun times ahead. I do look at pregnant women differently now as I used to feel jealous as I wanted a bump but now I think poor you having to go through labour.
It was a long and memorable labour that I will be reluctant to do again. The first week was also very hard with about 5/6 hours sleep for the whole week and combining the after pain of stitches and breast feeding it hasn't been easy.
He is now 3 weeks old so it has become easier and I feel slightly more human with having a bit more sleep but the feeding is out of control some days you feel like a milking machine and cannot do anythin else it certainly is a big life change, but I wouldn't change it as we have some fun times ahead. I do look at pregnant women differently now as I used to feel jealous as I wanted a bump but now I think poor you having to go through labour.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Over Due
Well the big due date has come and gone this is the 3rd day over and baby must find it extremly comfortable in my belly. I guess I should just make the most of it for now but I just feel like i'm waiting for this big thing to happen then each day and night runs into each other with no change. I've been reading up on what can help trigger labour so tried a hot curry on the due date which just gave me a bloated stomach i've walked and walked over the last few weeks so that doesn't help. It's all probably rubbish anyway as only baby decides but it still makes you want to try things, i've heard cutting the grass, eating pineapple or reflexology helps. I think I want it to start naturally before Saturday as the midwife said she will visit me and may do a stretch and sweep which can start things off but i'd rather she didn't but it is more effective at week 41. Maybe I just need to relax a little more and go with the flow but my god I can't wait to have a cold glass of wine.
Monday, 4 April 2011
5 days until due date
Wow 39 weeks gone the time has suddenly accelerated especially since finishig work two weeks ago but oh it's been nice not having to get up at a silly hour and drive half an hour to work, I could get used to this although resting so much and eating what I like would eventually turn me into an over eating fat slob so I think I will treasure these last few days before the big change of life i've been waiting for happens. Just 5 days until due date but people are guessing that baby will decide to arrive on Sunday 10th instead (1 day over due) I think thursday 7th for some reason but I guess i'll be finding out at some point in the next week or two. It is a strange feeling as I really do not know how to feel about the whole thing i've had excited pangs, the very scared of labour feeling and during the weekend I kept having doubts and questioning why did I want this - apprently this is normal but I want the excited feeling back, which is hard when you feel tired, heavy, uncomfortable, irritable, angry, fat and worried with every ache and pain that happens. I really didn't expect all the body changes and moods it's a pretty rough ride pregnancy but in a few days hopefully that will be forgotten when I hold and see my baby for the first time.
Monday, 28 March 2011
38 weeks & 1 day
Last week was my first week off work which was a nice sigh of relief not having to get up early. I still ended up doing chores around the house but as the week went on I seemed to get very very tired which has made me nap (that sounds old). Thursday evening I started to get twinges in my left side and lower belly which scared me as I thought something was about to start but it dwindled until Friday morning but still nothing to report on so I'm not feeling as scared. Most of Sunday night and this morning I have had a belly ache feeling so haven't been able to sleep very well plus to add to it i've had awful heart burn, but baby is very active and i've heard movements decrease before labour starts. It's going to happen some day soon maybe in the next 2 weeks if i'm lucky so i've gotta be prepared.
Sunday, 20 March 2011
37 weeks
Oh my only 3 weeks until due date, i'm having strange dreams I dreamt I had the baby early and it was a boy (we've been told it's a girl) plus celebs keep popping in to wish me well - maybe I watch too much tv.
Finished work on Friday which was a relief but now i'm wondering if i'll get lonely these next few weeks before baby is born - i'm sure it is just nerves towards all the changes that will be happening as i've been longing for the rest. Moods are up and down again one minute i'm happy and excited the next I feel sad and angry - what is going on.
Baby is still very active in my belly which is becoming more and more uncomfortable as well as Braxton Hicks they are happening all the time and make it hard to catch your breathe. I also keep thinking of the birth and if I should consider the water pool or not, I really don't know what to do.
Not long now and at 37 weeks i'm classed as full term so it could be any day from now OMG!
Finished work on Friday which was a relief but now i'm wondering if i'll get lonely these next few weeks before baby is born - i'm sure it is just nerves towards all the changes that will be happening as i've been longing for the rest. Moods are up and down again one minute i'm happy and excited the next I feel sad and angry - what is going on.
Baby is still very active in my belly which is becoming more and more uncomfortable as well as Braxton Hicks they are happening all the time and make it hard to catch your breathe. I also keep thinking of the birth and if I should consider the water pool or not, I really don't know what to do.
Not long now and at 37 weeks i'm classed as full term so it could be any day from now OMG!
Thursday, 17 March 2011
36 Weeks & 4 days
I'm feeling heavier than ever now which is a struggle. I saw the midwife yesterday and my bump measures as it should and baby's head is down but not engaged as yet, heartbeat fine, my blood results fine as is blood pressure, so all looking good.
My last week at work and must say it's been a stressful and tiring one as found it harder to get up in the morning maybe because I haven't had much sleep. The 30 minute drive to work has been a nightmare so i've been late everyday this week due to road works plus the day is long and it has been so uncomfortable sitting the whole day but the end is near as just one more full day to get through.
My last week at work and must say it's been a stressful and tiring one as found it harder to get up in the morning maybe because I haven't had much sleep. The 30 minute drive to work has been a nightmare so i've been late everyday this week due to road works plus the day is long and it has been so uncomfortable sitting the whole day but the end is near as just one more full day to get through.
Monday, 14 March 2011
30 and 8 months Pregnant
Wow what a weekend turning the BIG 30 and being an uncomfortable 8 months pregnant. I never thought i'd spend my 30th having a party and not being able to drink plus I was exhaused by about 10pm.
It was a good one though a bit of pampering in the day having my hair cut and coloured (probably last time for a while) then having family and friends fussing over me the rest of the evening with balloons, banners, party popper, presents and my favourite food.
Now I have approx 4 weeks until pop day, which is making me feel rather scared now - My life is going to change big time what a start to my 30's - Bring it on.
It was a good one though a bit of pampering in the day having my hair cut and coloured (probably last time for a while) then having family and friends fussing over me the rest of the evening with balloons, banners, party popper, presents and my favourite food.
Now I have approx 4 weeks until pop day, which is making me feel rather scared now - My life is going to change big time what a start to my 30's - Bring it on.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
8 Months
Just one more month to go woohoo!
I must say I've had enough now, this week hasn't been pleasant at all as I just feel exhausted, my hips and lower belly ache so much plus i've started to get those dreaded red stretch marks I have used cream everyday but nothing seems to prevent them.
Just 6 more days at work then I can look forward to lye ins and just relax before the baby is born - Hopefully. Even though I work in an office I am able to sit most of the day it's still difficult as belly feels rather uncomfortable in the same sitting position and the movements make it hard to concentrate.
Oh well not long to go.
I must say I've had enough now, this week hasn't been pleasant at all as I just feel exhausted, my hips and lower belly ache so much plus i've started to get those dreaded red stretch marks I have used cream everyday but nothing seems to prevent them.
Just 6 more days at work then I can look forward to lye ins and just relax before the baby is born - Hopefully. Even though I work in an office I am able to sit most of the day it's still difficult as belly feels rather uncomfortable in the same sitting position and the movements make it hard to concentrate.
Oh well not long to go.
Monday, 7 March 2011
35 Weeks & 1 Day
35 weeks oh my these weeks are suddenly going rather quickly, apprently I'm now carrying 5lb of baby - no wonder I feel so heavy. Bedtime is becoming a nightmare everyway I turn is uncomfortable and achy so constantly waking up. I wish I had one of those body pillows but it seems a bit late now I only have approx 5 weeks to go.
Not much else to do now but wait, nursery is pretty much complete, hospital bag is packed and ready to go. Just got to get passed next weekend as i've arranged for my hair to be done (last bit of pampering for a while) and a bit of a party to celebrate my big 30 so baby needs to stay in the belly.
Not much else to do now but wait, nursery is pretty much complete, hospital bag is packed and ready to go. Just got to get passed next weekend as i've arranged for my hair to be done (last bit of pampering for a while) and a bit of a party to celebrate my big 30 so baby needs to stay in the belly.
Friday, 4 March 2011
34 weeks & 5 days
Friday yet again and i'm nearly up to 35 weeks with just 5 weeks until my pop day OMG! that gave me a nervous pang as the thought of not knowing when labour will start, where I will be, how it will happen, at what time etc so scary but no way out now - i'm actually going to be a mummy, something I have wanted for so long is actually going to happen.
My belly is so itchy today I guess it's growing even more. People have noticed the difference in a week how much bigger I am - I wouldn't normally like those comments, but luckily I have a very good reason.
My belly is so itchy today I guess it's growing even more. People have noticed the difference in a week how much bigger I am - I wouldn't normally like those comments, but luckily I have a very good reason.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
34 weeks & 3 days
Lots of kicks and punches today it's actually rather uncomfortable, I wonder what baby is doing in there, it would be nice to have a little window to see into babies world.
I've been told the times the baby is active in the belly means thats the times they will be active outside - omg I will not be getting any sleep at all, baby is always poking me throughout the day.
Other than feeling like something is rumaging through my insides I feel like i'm growing by the day and getting more aches here and there. Plus getting braxton hicks more frequently so I'm not sure what that means.
Anyway another day closer.
I've been told the times the baby is active in the belly means thats the times they will be active outside - omg I will not be getting any sleep at all, baby is always poking me throughout the day.
Other than feeling like something is rumaging through my insides I feel like i'm growing by the day and getting more aches here and there. Plus getting braxton hicks more frequently so I'm not sure what that means.
Anyway another day closer.
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
34 weeks & 2 days
Packed my hospital bag at the weekend just in case of an early arrival as have been getting twinches and achy hips the last couple of days feels a bit like a belly ache.
Well if anything happens I think I am ready although would like a break from work before becoming a mummy 2 and 1/2 weeks to go and i've got my 30th in between that - it's all go so looking forward to some time to relax and forget everything.
These long working days are hard especially early mornings when you have actually been asleep after feeling uncomfortable most of the night and tolilet trips and then suddenly woken by an alarm.
Bring on the new beginnings.
Well if anything happens I think I am ready although would like a break from work before becoming a mummy 2 and 1/2 weeks to go and i've got my 30th in between that - it's all go so looking forward to some time to relax and forget everything.
These long working days are hard especially early mornings when you have actually been asleep after feeling uncomfortable most of the night and tolilet trips and then suddenly woken by an alarm.
Bring on the new beginnings.
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Wow i've hit 34 weeks and what a week the last week has been from feeling low, happy, irratable, scared and excited I feel absolutly exhausted.
It certainly has been a week of changes as have been feeling my fingers, feet and legs have been getting puffy and even just walking around the supermarket was a chore as I felt very heavy and achy. The joys of being pregnant i'm shocked people actually enjoy this, apprantly you forget all about the aches and pains of pregnancy and labour once baby arrives - umm i'm not so sure.
It certainly has been a week of changes as have been feeling my fingers, feet and legs have been getting puffy and even just walking around the supermarket was a chore as I felt very heavy and achy. The joys of being pregnant i'm shocked people actually enjoy this, apprantly you forget all about the aches and pains of pregnancy and labour once baby arrives - umm i'm not so sure.
Friday, 25 February 2011
That Friday Feeling
End of the week at last. Not much sleep again last night mainly because of annoying neighbours with loud music but also very uncomfortable no matter which way I lay.
Today I keep getting Braxton Hicks rather frequently I guess another indication baby is preparing to meet the world. Even though i'm so tired i've snapped out of my bad mood luckily maybe the thought of the weekend and after changing my leaving date at work I only have 3 weeks of early mornings and long days in the office to go. Woohoo!
Today I keep getting Braxton Hicks rather frequently I guess another indication baby is preparing to meet the world. Even though i'm so tired i've snapped out of my bad mood luckily maybe the thought of the weekend and after changing my leaving date at work I only have 3 weeks of early mornings and long days in the office to go. Woohoo!
Thursday, 24 February 2011
33 weeks & 4 days
Sun is out and weirdly I feel much happier. The thought of spending the summer with my baby with no work commitments puts a smile on my face and all the new changes that will be coming my way.
Nothing more to say but it's a good day.
Nothing more to say but it's a good day.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Another Day Closer
Another day closer to due date, I actually did get some sleep last night for the first time in a few days and not feeling as emotional as yesterday.
Very achy though especially lower back and my lower belly is very heavy. I have also had to give in and take my belly bar out - i've tried the maternity style but it's just not working. I've had it since I was 17 I wanted to keep it in to remind my of my teenage years i'm now 3 weeks off 30.
Oh well I guess times have to change.
Very achy though especially lower back and my lower belly is very heavy. I have also had to give in and take my belly bar out - i've tried the maternity style but it's just not working. I've had it since I was 17 I wanted to keep it in to remind my of my teenage years i'm now 3 weeks off 30.
Oh well I guess times have to change.
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
33 weeks & 2 days
Oh my what a day emotions sky high, hormones are everywhere. I never imagined pregnancy would be like this as each day passes it seems to get harder. More aches and pains, belly seems bigger and stretched which means more pressure down below so needing the loo constantly and to think it's another 6 1/2 weeks until due date.
How do women do this more than once, I hoped I would enjoy it but my god it's difficult. I can't wait for it to be over.
How do women do this more than once, I hoped I would enjoy it but my god it's difficult. I can't wait for it to be over.
Monday, 21 February 2011
When is the best time to finish work?
I'm 33 weeks and 1 day and i'm achy, tired, can't concentrate, finding the working day extremly long and getting very irritatable with people who think they know it all - I'm about ready to pack up and leave it all behind.
I've said I will stay another 5 weeks OMG how am I going to do that if I feel like this now, so much for slowing down and relaxing I will be 38 weeks nearly.
Is it bad to want baby to come a little earlier so I can finish work earlier?
Comments welcome.
I've said I will stay another 5 weeks OMG how am I going to do that if I feel like this now, so much for slowing down and relaxing I will be 38 weeks nearly.
Is it bad to want baby to come a little earlier so I can finish work earlier?
Comments welcome.
Sunday, 20 February 2011
33 weeks
33 weeks pregnant today and getting very scared at the thought of labour. I had a look round the hospital yesterday and shown the delivery suite which made it hit home -just the thought of it in only just 7 weeks or so I could be lying there in one of those beds.
I've never fancied the idea of a water birth but after seeing the room and the pool it has crossed my mind as it seems so much more inviting than the other rooms.
Everyone keeps saying just think of all the women that have gone through it -it really doesn't help as they aren't me i'm allowed to feel scared if I want to it's the unknown to me.
I've never fancied the idea of a water birth but after seeing the room and the pool it has crossed my mind as it seems so much more inviting than the other rooms.
Everyone keeps saying just think of all the women that have gone through it -it really doesn't help as they aren't me i'm allowed to feel scared if I want to it's the unknown to me.
Thursday, 10 February 2011
New Website
Welcome to the new website covering the latest baby products, plus the latest discount information. I'm an expectant mother in April and have created this website to list my thoughts and questions to do with pregnancy and being a mum for the first time
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