Friday 28 December 2012

New Arrival

I would like to welcome my new arrival Joel Luke Alain Edwards who was born this morning at 9.37 am, weighing 8lb 15 oz. 

7 hour labour which was incredibly painful with just gas an air and a sudden entrance with an added rip so you can imagine how that felt. I think it even shocked the midwife at how quickly my baby boy came out. My reaction was uh I did it, it's over.

I just know I never want to go through birth again I've now done it twice, both very different but equally painful.

Monday 24 December 2012

Dreaming while pregnant

I had a very weird dream last night, baby was moving in my belly a lot then I could see a hand clearly then a foot then his / her face protruded out. I could actually hold the baby which was a little freaky, it was like baby wanted out but not in the normal way.

It went on I think I was at a work place not my real work though and a midwife came to see me who took blood but didn't have a room to examine me. I didn't sleep long enough to know what happened.

Maybe this means baby is ready to come out or maybe not who knows. I have had some strange dreams during this pregnancy some baby related others not, but recently sleep has been so rare I'm surprised I actually had a dream at all.

Only 1 week and 5 days until due date.

Sunday 16 December 2012

Week 37

Wow week 37 and oh my I feel it, starting yesterday I've had lower back pain which is making it impossible to move around, for three nights in a row I have not slept very well if at all as I feel so uncomfortable plus the thought of the birth ahead is scaring me, every twitch I think it's the start, I know it's going to happen but it's the waiting of when it will.

I'm too scared now to venture out on my own, I don't remember feeling this way in my first pregnancy but I don't think I found it as painful to walk about and the weight of my belly is overwhelming at times it forces me to sit.

I am ready for the baby to come now as I want my body back as I hate having the restrictions on what I can do. I now know how old people feel when they struggle to walk, bend or just don't have the energy to do every day things same for larger size people how can they be happy to struggle to even get dressed, I know pregnancy is very different but it certainly gives you a taste of what others have to put up with day after day.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Getting into Instagram

I signed up months ago but as I was trying to get to sleep which has been impossible with a baby punching me from the inside of my belly and the awful heart burn I keep getting at night I thought I would have a play around with some recent photos I had taken of little man.

As the time has disappeared From 30 minutes to an hour I ended up finding friends on there and even some strangers started following me. I had no idea the huge community of people sharing photos existed. I think I could get into this it's much better than twitter.

I haven't many photos up yet but you can find me under littlebluefeet.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Week 35

All last week I felt exhausted but it didn't help when coming down with a winter bug it's made it impossible to sleep especially with pregnancy pains on top.

I saw the midwife yesterday and all okay although baby is laying to my left side which explains why it hurts to lye that side and walk as baby's head is resting on pelvis so I've been told I need to walk more to help baby move down which is easier said than done as I find it painful to walk with the pressure.
Good news is I have 5 weeks to go, I've
now finished work and its the countdown to Christmas :)