Tuesday 12 April 2011

Over Due

Well the big due date has come and gone this is the 3rd day over and baby must find it extremly comfortable in my belly. I guess I should just make the most of it for now but I just feel like i'm waiting for this big thing to happen then each day and night runs into each other with no change. I've been reading up on what can help trigger labour so tried a hot curry on the due date which just gave me a bloated stomach i've walked and walked over the last few weeks so that doesn't help. It's all probably rubbish anyway as only baby decides but it still makes you want to try things, i've heard cutting the grass, eating pineapple or reflexology helps. I think I want it to start naturally before Saturday as the midwife said she will visit me and may do a stretch and sweep which can start things off but i'd rather she didn't but it is more effective at week 41. Maybe I just need to relax a little more and go with the flow but my god I can't wait to have a cold glass of wine.

Monday 4 April 2011

5 days until due date

Wow 39 weeks gone the time has suddenly accelerated especially since finishig work two weeks ago but oh it's been nice not having to get up at a silly hour and drive half an hour to work, I could get used to this although resting so much and eating what I like would eventually turn me into an over eating fat slob so I think I will treasure these last few days before the big change of life i've been waiting for happens. Just 5 days until due date but people are guessing that baby will decide to arrive on Sunday 10th instead (1 day over due) I think thursday 7th for some reason but I guess i'll be finding out at some point in the next week or two. It is a strange feeling as I really do not know how to feel about the whole thing i've had excited pangs, the very scared of labour feeling and during the weekend I kept having doubts and questioning why did I want this - apprently this is normal but I want the excited feeling back, which is hard when you feel tired, heavy, uncomfortable, irritable, angry, fat and worried with every ache and pain that happens. I really didn't expect all the body changes and moods it's a pretty rough ride pregnancy but in a few days hopefully that will be forgotten when I hold and see my baby for the first time.