Tuesday, 31 May 2011

6 weeks in

Well i've now been a mummy for over 6 weeks, it has been stressful but also rewarding as i'm getting a few smiles from my little man now. Each day you see the changes, he is more alert and finding objects more interesting.

I'm finding my little man rather difficult at the moment because he tends to fight sleep and has alot of wind so some days it's constant crying and with myself also being deprived sleep it's not easy to keep sane. I get my husband to watch him for an hour in the evening while I nip out and do something like the food shop as it makes me feel normal again which does the world of good as it gives me the energy to fight through another day.

I can't help looking at the little fella sometimes and thinking he's mine with a smile on my face and feeling rather proud.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

It's a Boy

It has been a while since my last post but baby was over due by exactly a week and I had a horrendous 30 hours plus of labour. It all kicked off early on 15th April but I didn't get a hospital room until 6pm that night as no beds were available and everything that could happen did, the pain was awful and to top it the newly qualified midwife kept panicing because she kept losing baby's heart beat so other's kept coming in to examine me which every time made me bleed even more, i'm sure it was because I was so uncomfortable had to move so it moved the monitor. I had high blood pressure, I had to have fluids pumped into me and that was a chore in itself as the trainee dr punched holes in my arm to find a vein when she should have put it in my hand. Four times they had to use a Catheter - ouch! Baby was found to be back to back and was not lowering into the birth canal so I had to have contractions intensified to an unbearable level in the end after having Pethidine, Gas and Air they gave an Epidural at about 11am on 16th but as baby still would not move they said it may result in a C-section if a vontouse or forcepts didn't work, so off I went to theatre with about 10 people all trying to get the baby out he finally did with forcepts at 12.39pm and the shocker being a baby boy as we had been told we were having a girl at the 20 week scan.
It was a long and memorable labour that I will be reluctant to do again. The first week was also very hard with about 5/6 hours sleep for the whole week and combining the after pain of stitches and breast feeding it hasn't been easy.

He is now 3 weeks old so it has become easier and I feel slightly more human with having a bit more sleep but the feeding is out of control some days you feel like a milking machine and cannot do anythin else it certainly is a big life change, but I wouldn't change it as we have some fun times ahead. I do look at pregnant women differently now as I used to feel jealous as I wanted a bump but now I think poor you having to go through labour.