Happy Monday today.......really. I'm happy today because:
- I'm at home with my little man
- At the moment it's me time as he's having a nap
- Chocolate and a nice hot cuppa by myside watching loose women
Ah! the simple things in life.
January is always hard for most after all the spending and chaos at Christmas so no money until the first pay comes in at the end of the month. I don't see how it makes a difference because it only goes on the next round of bills.
January is a funny month as you expect its going to be the year for you but realistically nothing changes unless you make it change. Some years i've been excited like last January I was thinking about the arrival of my baby (due 9th April), my big 30th birthday (March) the thought of having months off work to spend at home with my baby, Starting my own business from home (http://www.fish4clicks.co.uk/) the hope for big changes to make life better for us and less stressful.
A year on I think we are more stressed than ever, i've cried so much already this month through loss of family, the thought of leaving my baby with someone else and fear on what will happen financially in the coming months, but I have my gorgeous baby boy who has put endless smiles on my face and made life happy for me, my husband and many relatives throughout difficult times.