Tuesday, 17 April 2012

My Baby Is One

I can't believe my little man is one.

One of the first pics of Ollie
I keep thinking back to last year and trying to remember how I felt as I had a very long painful experience of childbirth (I thought it was anyway). 
I've probably been driving my hubby mad at the weekend by saying do you remember this time last year at certain points in the day. It all started at 6.15am on 15th and after paracetamol, pethidine, gas and air and an epidural he eventually arrived on 16th at 12.39pm. 

The little guy didn't want to come out so it looked as though I might have to have a c-section which scared the life out of me but they said they would try a vontose and/or forceps first. I hated the idea of forceps as I heard some awful stories about how they can damage your baby but I was prepped for theatre and about 10 medical staff surrounded me while they tried forceps and all I could hear was push...push...push but I couldn't feel anything, it was such a surreal experience then I heard "it's a boy" which I couldn't quite believe and just said did I just hear that right as we were expecting a baby girl but both of us said well that's got to be Ollie then which was the only name we had for a boy. I wasn't disappointed just excited and overwhelmed by the whole experience.
14.04.12 Cake

14.04.12 Presents
One year on and he is a lively,loud, cheeky but gorgeous little boy.

Unfortunately we had my grandads funeral on his actual birthday on the 16th which was rather gutting but he still managed to steal the attention and make people smile. 
We made up for it over the weekend with a family party and an outing to a soft play centre with a couple of Ollie's little friends the day before. 
15.04.12 Playing with friends

I am  a proud mummy to a toddler

16.04.12  I AM ONE


  1. awww happy birthday to your little hero :) he is such a little cutie!! I bet h loved the cake too hehe :) xxx

  2. He looks so grown up on the last picture. A proper little boy x
