Thursday, 26 July 2012

Fifty Shades........

I have joined the latest craze that involves the name Christian Grey, I'm not a huge book reader but because of all the hype around the fifty shades trilogy I was intrigued to see what all the fuss was about.

I wasn't all that impressed when I read the first couple of chapters but it did get interesting when I reached chapter five but I wasn't sure I'd continue onto the other books so it obviously hadn't gripped me at that point but OMG (in shouty capitals) it all happens in chapter eight.
I became hooked from that point trying to find a spare half hour here and there as I just wanted to carry on ( not so easy when a full time working mummy).

I'm very nearly at the end of Fifty Shades of Grey and wanting more so I have purchased the second book.
I'm not entirely sure what it is about the book, I know it's been labelled women's porn which yes it has a lot of steamy moments but I think it's the thought of a man making you feel the way Ana does....the butterflies, the intense pangs, the mystery, excitement and someone wanting to give you everything. It makes you feel or imagine what Ana must be feeling at certain moments of a slight touch or a stare from Mr Grey.

Well I know it's not just me but many women out there wanting a Mr Grey ( minus the red room....maybe) I think men should start reading it.

What does everyone think about turning the book into a movie?

I'm not so sure as I think we all probably have our own image of the characters so a visual may actually ruin it.

1 comment:

  1. Love this book, like you I'm not a reader. I agree that it's the romance, the butterflies that i like about the book and imagin how ana feels. As with a toddler and been in a long term relationship nearly ten years butterflies and romance isnt top of priorities.
    Yeah the film could be a hit or miss, and with any book being turned into a film sometimes it can ruin it.
    And yes I agree men should read it...
