Tuesday, 21 August 2012

What a week..........

I'm now 20 weeks pregnant (well as of tomorrow) can't believe I'm half way but it sure is tiring creating a person in your belly, I just want to sleep but that proves difficult when working full time and having a toddler.
It hasn't been an easy week either due to other people. Why do people in this world have to make others a misery it's just so un-necessary. Is it because it gives them some sort of satisfaction, power, or maybe they just don't realise they do it but I'm expected to be nice to them but really how the hell are you suppose to be nice to someone who makes you feel like you will explode with anger and you just want to punch them.

I hate being a person who is expected to just get on and deal with it no questions but after being on the earth for 31 years I'm pretty sick of it. Maybe I should become a bitch, seems like that's the only way you get anywhere..... Ridiculous.

On a lighter note my little man turned 16 months and has started to say lots of words which makes me feel so proud. He says bubble, zebra, man, bathroom, giraffe, duck, doggy, and mostly daddy.

I also only have 14 weeks at work until I bugger off on maternity leave, oh I can't wait. Hopefully life will be easier then.

1 comment:

  1. Oh mat leave, I really miss that!!!! Those were some good days ;)
