Isn't it fantastic its a great alternative to a Christmas card. You can do so many pictures with foot and handprints so may have to get the paints out again.
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Creative Memories
I love keeping memories of the boys and thought maybe the grandparents would too so look what we did
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Pamper Me

Saturday, 7 December 2013
Starting Early
I'm going to start my new years resolutions early so here they are:
- Start diet.......TOMORROW
- Exercise more......TOMORROW
- Give people another chance (well some)
- STOP shouting at Ollie....Be Calm when he is naughty
- Do not mess with hair again especially with bleach
- Stop spending on things you don't need
- Don't be too quick to sell things as you regret it sometimes
- Stop giving away your life story on Facebook
- Make sure you get more free time
- Relax about mess
Sunday, 17 November 2013
My Christmas List
I've thought long and hard about my christmas list well maybe not but instead of gifts that I probably don't need or actually want the three things that would be priceless to me are:
1. Some time to myself.
2. A full night of sleep.
3. A lay in even if only til 8am.
Please, please, please someone get me these for christmas - only 38 days to go :)
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Christmas Spirit
Getting into the Christmas spirit with Ollie, decorating baubles.
I felt lately I've needed to do different things with Ollie to keep him entertained by making cakes, decorating biscuits, letting him get involved with preparing food or even help hang the washing up. He needs to do more now to keep him from getting bored and naughty.
Monday, 11 November 2013
Toddler Jealousy / Behaviour Problems
Has anyone had to deal with jealousy between siblings?
Ollie my 2.5 year old has had a problem with his little brother from the beginning which I thought could happen but I thought eventually he'd just get used to a brother being around especially after 10 months now.
He hits, kicks, pokes, pulls, sits and pushes Joel everyday and I'm just getting so fed up with it all now as no matter how many times I explain its wrong, tell him off (shout), take things away and I have even tapped him on the hand and leg as he will not listen and often just laughs. One day I even put all his toys downstairs in a big bag and said I'm putting them in the bin, he really didn't care he even helped me.
What do you do to sort the jealousy/ behaviour problems out, I need advice as I'm going mad being at home.
Friday, 25 October 2013
I envy those of you that have silence all night through and have decent sleep, that would be a luxury.
I think since living in my hell hole house the last six years I haven't slept well at all which has been made worse after having kids.
For instance last night Joel woke at 1.20am got him back to sleep then I hear the neighbours moaning and groaning while having sex which is made worse by their crappy squeaky bed. After that it was rummaging through a wardrobe. A little quiet after but its not completely silent as I can hear road noise and a fan going at the local take away.
Once I do drift back to sleep I here Ollie moaning but think he's still asleep same with Joel. It then gets to 6am and I hear a neighbour getting ready for work as I can hear the shower and toilet flush. Half hour or so later I hear the other side getting out of the crappy squeaky bed then stomp downstairs to bang kitchen cupboards.
After nights like that with constant wake ups I just can't focus but both kids woke up at the same time this morning needing nappy changes and Ollie demanding I play........urgh!
These days are so long especially when I'm on my own, I just can't wait for bedtime again in hope I get more sleep.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Do More Of What Makes You Happy
I came across this image the other day which got me thinking what does make me happy.
Well after having a hellish week last week I want to make this a better one.
Starting with Ollie so he doesn't play me up I decided to get him to decorate biscuits as he hasn't done that. It was fun and made me smile to see him happy.
I also love photos and I am starting to put photobooks together of family days out so we can concentrate on good memories.
What else makes me happy urm! Well I'm happy when I get quiet either that's when the boys are napping or the noisy neighbours are out (neither happens often). It's funny when I think of the things I used to feel happy about like buying new clothes, Booking my next holiday /trip away (not something I can do now), Days off work, Friday's where bliss. How life can change.
Saturday, 19 October 2013
Argh! Kids
Struggling at the moment with my children the last few days they have just screamed and pestered me to the brink of me going insane.
At times I just haven't known what to do so ended up screaming back at them. I thought motherhood would be enjoyable but I'm not feeling that way. I feel like a slave as all it seems to be is cooking, cleaning, washing, changing nappies and tidying constantly. I feel lonely as I seem to be coping on my own with little help even though I'm always saying 'I need help'. My freedom has disappeared I can't even go to the toilet on my own without being pestered. My mood is awful as I'm constantly tired and stressed out. I'm starting to feel like I really don't want to read books or play toys with them as I just don't have the energy and begrudge the lack of time I have to myself.
It's awful to feel this way especially as it was what I really wanted for years. I was so jealous of people who had babies but now I'm jealous of people with freedom. Even other mums seem to get nights out with friends or partners so why can't I.
After constant moaning 'I need a break' my hubby took both kids to his parents last Saturday so I could have a few hours . Finally he listened I thought so I had a look round shops without kids whining and a soak in the bath in silence but then received a text to say to join them as surely 6 hours was enough uh! No it wasn't but I went anyway as I felt guilty. As soon as I got there I'm handed Joel to feed and entertain - what a joke. Everyone needs time out I'm no different I think I need to grow some balls and demand time and say no when I don't want to do something. Other people get away with it so why shouldn't I it's not being selfish its to keep me sane and an attempt to enjoy being at home with my kids.
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
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The Letter |
I have been dreading in case I got a telephone call for the past two days but I checked my junk mail late last night and the boss confirmed he received my letter Monday. Not what I was expecting especially in my junk folder and to me this shows that this is probably what they hoped for anyway. It's so nice to feel wanted :(
As I've mentioned in previous posts I didn't feel welcomed when I went back last year after my first child so I wasn't going to put myself through that again as you know when you have out grown a company.
Its a relief in so many ways that I never have to step foot in that office and see those people who snubbed me and made me feel horrible about myself ever again (hopefully).
So here's to being a stay at home mum for a bit :)
Friday, 11 October 2013
Christmas Come Early

Yesterday I thought just do it as Ollie had fallen asleep and Joel was playing with toys and today I managed to make two more.
What do you think?

Monday, 7 October 2013
Taking Time Off Work
Well I've had 9 months off work on maternity that has now come to an end and I've hardly heard from my work place is that normal?
Last conversation via phone was in February with my manager and then nothing for months I found out from my maternity cover a new manager was replacing the other which I knew was coming but didn't know when so I contacted them and finally I had an email back in June from the new manager and I said I'd like to be kept informed of changes as an office move was on the cards which was suppose to happen in August so I waited for confirmation but its now October and no word. I know they have changed offices which is a lot further away from me as I checked on the website. Surely I should have had a letter or something to say they have moved and confirm the address as I am expected back in December and that move will take me at least an hour or more each way plus I have two children to think about. I'm shocked that I haven't been contacted in all this time.
During my first maternity break I thought I hadn't really been informed much of changes in the company but I had a couple of KIT days so I could be shown new products and systems. During my time back at work last time it was very unwelcoming and people had changed due to promotions and made me feel like rubbish but what the hell are they doing to me now. I've been a reliable and loyal employee for 5 years and I get treated like I don't matter, what the hell has happened to the work force.
I defiantly think if you have time off to have a baby you are punished for it. Before I was pregnant the first time I was given opportunities but couldn't take up the offer as exams where around the time I was going to give birth and then I was lucky enough to take a year off to spend with my baby but going back to the same job well it wasn't the same so if you are career minded a year is too long as you are treated differently and for me the opportunities were lost. It was hell going back to the same place after a year out so what will it be like going back in December to the same company after a second year off. I know they have made more changes by making someone redundant after years of service and losing some departments completely, the whole company is different including attitudes. It still shocks me though as not even a word from the boss in all this time it makes me feel they don't want me back which is how I felt the whole time I did go back the last time.
What will happen as its just 2 months until I should be going back and it feels me with dread.
Monday, 30 September 2013
Stress Head
Joel - 9 Months |
I now have a 9 month old and a nearly 2 1/2 year old and my god life has become stressful.
With weeks of sleepless nights that I posted about a month ago - Sleep Regression, which has settled down but I can see that the little guy has more teeth coming so I'm expecting it to come back. My toddler has been really awful lately to his brother and just will not listen I get a lot of 'NO don't want to', No mummy' or I get laughed at when I'm telling him off. It's so frustrating.
Ollie - 2 years |
I'm starting to feel I need to go to work and be me as I am not getting any time to myself at the moment I am longing for a full day just by myself - no kids and no husband just me to be me would be lovely.
I feel guilty saying it sometimes but doesn't everyone need alone time.
Thursday, 26 September 2013

It has been a tough week this week as nothing seemed to go right and I've had a bad back that just isn't helping but when I look at these two little boys it makes me smile.
I just wanted to share :)
Monday, 16 September 2013
How Do You Get A Man To Help With Kids?
For weeks on end I've been saying I'm so tired I can't cope with being woken up so much during the night and that I need a break from kids as I feel like I'm glued to them 24/7. Never ever do I get a response I would love to hear like:
'I'll get up you need the sleep'
'You go and rest, have a bath I'll look after them for an hour or two'
'I'll change the nappy, don't worry'
'You sit down I'll make breakfast/lunch/dinner and feed the kids'
'You go out you deserve a break'
Why oh why is it always mummy's work. To break the routine even just once a week and not have to get up after a restless night of constant wake ups to make everyone breakfast and not ask for help would be a dream.
To change a nappy and not beg them to do it as its been the forth dirty nappy you have done that day.
To bath kids without being prompted that they need a bath.
For all those daddy's that do not help with babies and older kids mummy's need a break once in a while so please just help out its not asking for much really as they are yours too.
Saturday, 7 September 2013
Had Enough
Feeling little bit.......glum. Thinking back to the past and mistakes made. Like in 2006 we pulled out of a two bed flat that recently I keep thinking about and wished we had have gone ahead with it as we may have been much better off now.
2007 we bought the house we are in now which has been an utter nightmare ever since and can't get out of it.
When we got the keys and I walked into the house for the first time I wanted to cry as it was left in such a state and just thought 'what have we done'. At that point we didn't know the half of what was to come. Noisy neighbours actually let's say inconsiderate noisy neighbours at silly hours in the morning. I don't think I've had a decent nights sleep since moving into the house. I just want the nightmare to end as the stress and lack of sleep is taking its toll.
Also the town we live in is depressing as the majority of the families live off benefits and will probably never get off their butts to work, I can't stand lazy people and people that have no respect for others. I've always worked and now we struggle to pay for a house we hate being in and are surrounded by weed smoking, lazy morons who have probably never stepped out of the town. I may sound snobby but I don't want my kids to grow up here and mix with these people who have no ambition in life other than to get drunk, high and laid.
I WANT OUT....but how?
No equity, no savings :(
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Sleep Regression
I'm into my third or forth week of hardly any sleep (cant remember as seems like forever) due to Joel waking up several times in the night. He used to be an easy baby up until 7 months old then it all changed.
Anyway I've been reading up about 8 month olds waking up 3-10 times a night and apparently it's all normal as between 8, 9 and 10 months all babies go through sleep regression due to a developing brain so as they have so much activity going on it stops them sleeping soundly like when adults have a big event the next day it stops us sleeping. According to what I read it can last between 3 to 6 weeks so I guess at least I'm some way through it now.
I just want it to be over with now as I'm just too tired I can't cope with anymore sleepless nights especially when I also have a 2 year old to look after. My patience has gone out the window completely and I am very ratty.
At the very point he hit 7 months he started to crawl, followed by pulling himself up to his knees and now recently to his feet. With this he's become very grumpy and fussy.
After last night I managed a full hour and half sleep before Joel woke up at 11.55pm I thought I'd have at least until 2am like the previous night. I tried to settle by rocking him, dummy and water but nothing would settle him so I took him downstairs as I didn't want him waking Ollie which is becoming a regular thing now and gave him milk which did the trick until 3.20am. Then it started all over again.
The health visitor said not to give milk during the night but if its the only thing that works what else are you to do let him scream the house down and get no sleep at all. I don't think so.
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Sweet Innocent Boy |
Normally this sleep regression stage is worse than when it happens at 4 months as they are also teething.
I just want it to be over with now as I'm just too tired I can't cope with anymore sleepless nights especially when I also have a 2 year old to look after. My patience has gone out the window completely and I am very ratty.
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Nails, Nails, Nails

So far they haven't chipped at all and I must admit having painted finger nails makes me feel pretty nice and feminine. I only used to bother with toe nails.

What do you think?
Do you have a favourite nail colour or design?
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Hair and Make Up Goodies
Now being an Avon representative I of course have to test the products so here are my new make up and hair products that I am currently using.
Other Products I Am Using:
Check out my online brochure for all these products:
Make Up:
- ANew Vitale Day Cream. SPF 25, Leaves skin feeling and looking radiant all day. Great for fine wrinkles, fatigued skin and signs of stress.
- Magix Cashmere Advanced Foundation - Nude. Gives skin a natural, radiant look. Instantly minimises the look of pores, lines and shine. SPF15.
- New True Colour Eyeshadow Quad -Emerald Cut. Crease-proof eyeshadow and vivid colour.
(New in camp 14) - Glimmerstick Diamonds - Smokey Diamond. (Camp 13 offer)
- SuperExtend Extreme Mascara - Black.
- New Ultra Colour lipstick Satin - Red 2000. Stay true rich colour. (New in camp 14)
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My make up bag |
- Argan Moroccan oil shampoo and conditioner. Helps lock in moisture from root to tip.
- Daily Shine Dry End Serum. 100% shine, helps smooth dry damaged hair.
- Advanced Techniques Mirror shine spray.
Other Products I Am Using:
- Skin So Soft Dry Oil Spray - Silky Moisture
- Rare Pearls Perfume
- Opal Top Coat Nail Varnish
- Nailwear Pro+ Coral Reef
Check out my online brochure for all these products:
Friday, 9 August 2013
Good and bad things in life this week
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My Family |
- Family
- Little man is on the move, so fascinating to watch.
- Big man is chatting away and even saying some French.
- I've now lost 2.5 stone (35lb).
- Feeling better about me.
- Meeting lots of new people.
- Finally starting to distance from people that drag you down.
- Having a little free time.
- De-cluttering.
- Making things.
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Happy Boy |
Few bad:
- Constant tiredness.
- Rude, inconsiderate, shocking people.
- Bad back.
- Not knowing what to do next.
- Stressful situations.
Friday, 26 July 2013
Tired, Tired, Tired & Rant
Oh I'm so tired, these past few weeks its either Joel waking through the night, been too hot to sleep or the neighbours have kept me awake. All I want is sleep.
I'm being very quick tempered with Ollie as he's being naughty especially towards Joel at the moment. Just this morning I had only got Joel back off to sleep when Ollie decides to kick Joel (not hard) to wake him up so I shouted at Ollie which made him cry then Joel cried I then didn't know what to do and it was made worse because hubby didn't even check to see if I was okay. Sometimes you just feel like you are on your own completely day in day out and for someone to ask if you are okay or need help would be nice especially from the hubby.
I think it's only women that have kids that truly understand its not all hunky dory being at home with kids. I find it very stressful at times and you feel you are just there for everyone else. All I seem to do is cook, wash up - oh that is getting to me as you clean and tidy then its back to square one again in no time, making sure you have food to feed everyone, clean clothes etc etc and I am actually fed up of myself moaning at Ollie especially when he's like talking to a brick wall.
Sometimes I wish I was a career woman so I wouldn't have to do this. I took up Avon to get myself out and do something for me but even that has got on my nerves this week as I've seen how shocking people can be when trying to deliver orders. I was told to deliver at a certain time on a particular day but they didn't answer so tried again half hour later still nothing so left a note and followed with a text to see when can deliver next and I had no reply. I left it two days and text again and got 'can you do tomorrow evening' no apology at all for messing me about and I have a feeling I won't get an answer when I deliver again.
Another lady said she forgot so I went back next day and she said the same but offered to collect that night but did she turn What the hell is wrong with people, no manners and just no consideration for people.
That's my rant over :)
That's my rant over :)
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Busy, Busy, Busy
The past few days have been pretty busy with Kelly's Craft Box with some customer orders.
A hanging monkey and three little thank you owls which will be given to teachers as gifts.
I've also been trying to promote my Avon page Kelly's Beauty Box as well as getting out and about posting books and completing my very first order. I've even been asked to consider becoming a leader (scary).
Tractor Ride |
It was also my husbands birthday yesterday so we had a family day out at Thurleigh farm, not really a 35 year olds ideal day out but now we have kids we have to suit them. Ollie loved it and Joel was more interested in my camera case.
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Orange chocolate heaven |
It was shared with family for birthday celebrations in the evening.
Monday, 8 July 2013
Why Do I Do These Things?

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Patchy Hair |

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Ginger |
I put a blonde Nutrisse colour on and hoped for the best, but as you can see from the pictures below it came out a lighter gingery blonde.
My hair is now well and truly frazzled at the ends so now I'm thinking why the hell didn't I just pay out to a hairdresser as I've damaged my hair and will end up spending more to correct it plus I'm now thinking blonde may not even suit me.
Sunday I put yet another colour on but this time a chocolate brown as I've given up on the blonde idea.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Review: Avon SuperExtend Extreme Mascara

This is a must in my make up bag.
You can get in three colours Black, Brown/Black and Navy.
Lengthening mascara with lash-lifting brush visibly lenthens top lashes by up to 87%*. Doesn't flake, clump or smudge
It is £10 In brochure 12 on page 50.
My online brochure
You can get in three colours Black, Brown/Black and Navy.
Lengthening mascara with lash-lifting brush visibly lenthens top lashes by up to 87%*. Doesn't flake, clump or smudge
It is £10 In brochure 12 on page 50.
My online brochure
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Kelly's Beauty Box
As posted the other day Ding Dong, I am now an Avon representative and have just set up a new facebook page Kelly's Beauty Box, so please like my page.
For each campaign I will recommended my favourite must have products and offers. I will also review any products I use myself.
Let me know if you would like me to review any of the products for you or you can try products and if you do not like them you have 90 day money back guarantee.
For each campaign I will recommended my favourite must have products and offers. I will also review any products I use myself.
Let me know if you would like me to review any of the products for you or you can try products and if you do not like them you have 90 day money back guarantee.
Friday, 28 June 2013
First Customer Order
Fashion Post: Bargain Buys
Bargain buys this week these gold and leopard print sandals from Peacocks. I had my eye on them a couple weeks back.
I keep thinking about this bag I saw from Select its £14 and would go brilliantly with my bargain sandals. Should I get it?
The original price was £12 but they have 30% off selected products at the moment so I thought why not, I got to the counter and they ended up being half price at only £6. Woohoo!
Asda have a summer sale that started in store yesterday so I thought I would have a look so I could pick up some clothes for Ollie and Joel.
I got a Muppet outfit for Joel at only £3 and 2x pack sleep suits £3. For Ollie I got a monkey top for £1.50 and a jumper £3, absolute bargains.
Of course I had to look for me too and got a t-shirt with gem detail for just £4. So all three of us kitted out for £14.50, couldn't find anything for daddy though.
Asda have a summer sale that started in store yesterday so I thought I would have a look so I could pick up some clothes for Ollie and Joel.
I got a Muppet outfit for Joel at only £3 and 2x pack sleep suits £3. For Ollie I got a monkey top for £1.50 and a jumper £3, absolute bargains.
Of course I had to look for me too and got a t-shirt with gem detail for just £4. So all three of us kitted out for £14.50, couldn't find anything for daddy though.

They also have up to 60% off selected items at the moment.
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Ding Dong
Avon Calling....I've just signed up to be a representative.
I love the products, I am at home with the kids, I like to get out for a walk, I want to earn money so why not.
I'm on my first campaign so why not check out my online brochure and put an order in.
My Picks for Campaign 12:
I'm loving the funky nail wraps and half price at only £4. My favourite Mascara Supershock is only £5 and limited edition Fergie fragrance Outspoken Fresh at only £10.99.
Remember check out my online brochure
I love the products, I am at home with the kids, I like to get out for a walk, I want to earn money so why not.
I'm on my first campaign so why not check out my online brochure and put an order in.
My Picks for Campaign 12:
I'm loving the funky nail wraps and half price at only £4. My favourite Mascara Supershock is only £5 and limited edition Fergie fragrance Outspoken Fresh at only £10.99.
Remember check out my online brochure
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