That first day he was born I thought just maybe he would be a quieter, calmer and possibly easier baby than Ollie but over the last four weeks I have learnt that's not the case. After just two days Joel showed the true him with a very shouty cry, not letting me sleep with constant feeding (every 1-2hours mostly). After 5 days he rolled from his front to back which makes us think he could reach his milestones early like Ollie did (trouble ahead) Ollie could walk at 11 months which I felt was too early.

Any advice would be much appreciated on getting newborns to settle in a Moses basket.
The last couple of days he has cried a lot more because he has a stuffy nose which is understandable but you get to a point and think what do I do to stop him and o far it's been feeding him which I thought would make it more difficult as don't babies breathe through there noses.
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