After my long debate in my head wether to continue with breast feeding or introduce formula I have taken the plunge this week and I have introduced liquid first milk formula as the previous week Joel had been waking up every two hours again and I just can't take the lack of sleep anymore.
My decision was based on Joel becoming incredibly fussy on the breast and crying so much more than he used to so my husband and I thought it could be because he is hungry.
First week formula experiment:
Monday 13th I tried breast feeding around lunch time but he became so irritable and fussy I gave in and tried him on formula and he happily gulped 6oz and suddenly became very relaxed with arms out then fell asleep. So it was a successful first attempt.
Tuesday and Wednesday I breast fed mainly but gave two bottles of formula one at 10am and another at 5pm - he still kept waking up every two hours at night.
I changed it a little on Thursday and breast fed during the day and gave just the one bottle of formula around 8.30pm. Before that at dinner time I tried a little spoonful of pure apple and pear purée which looking at the pictures probably wasn't what he was expecting but now we have started I guess the weaning begins. He did sleep a little longer during the night so maybe the later feed and food helped as he slept from 10ish to 3.30am then woke again at 6am. I can cope with the two wake ups.
Friday 17th, Joel was breast fed during the morning then given 7oz at 12.45pm but only drank 5oz. He had 7oz at 8pm and a spoonful of apple and pear again. He did sleep but we were travelling in the car to Bristol so he slept all the way. He was breast fed at about 1am and then slept through to 8am - AMAZING.
Saturday he had just one bottle of formula at around 6.30pm and again slept very well.
Hopefully we are on a road to better sleep. I will continue with formula in the evenings so just one or two bottles in the day until my breast milk reduces.
Update on progress:
ReplyDeleteStill continuing with one or two formula bottles but only when I dont seem to have enough milk supply. Weaning continues but sleeping isn't all that good I think we have had one brilliant night that Joel slept from 10ish to 6.20am but the last couple of nights we have gone back to 2-3 hour wake ups again. What is going on I thought his wake ups were because of growth spurts or that he didn't have enough room in Moses basket but he has been moved into a cot this week and he doesn't always need a feed when he wakes up as I managed to rock him asleep.
I just want good nights of sleep so I can manage the following day with two little boys.