I came across this image the other day and thought how true it is, well for me anyway as no privacy even for things like going to the toilet.
Since having children a lot has changed for me. I'm someone who has always liked their own space but with the two terrors its impossible. Somedays I long for just an hour to myself to be quiet as its constant noise with shouting, fighting, toys, whinging, crying its non stop until bedtime.
It's a dream to:
1. Have a shower with no little people watching and throwing things in the shower.
2. To go for a walk completely on my own.
3.To be able to shop and not worry about bored boys.
4.To just have a bag to carry my stuff only.
5. To get dressed without little hands emptying my draws.
6. A full night of sleep with no interruptions.
7. If I want to do something to actually do it no questions.
One thing I will not give up is make up. So many mums say they don't have time but its part of me getting dressed and would feel awful if I didn't put it on as I still want to feel my best each day. Even if I'm just in the house I still put it on.
I guess everyone is different but I refuse to let myself go and not do my hair and make up.