Thursday, 28 August 2014
More I Wants
Keep browsing on Select website and Boohoo so I have more I wants to my list, don't know why I do it to myself oh yes I love clothes, shoes and accessories.
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
What Makes Me Happy
This is a list for me to look back on really as I asked myself what actually makes me happy so here goes.
- Cuddles with boys
- Seeing Ollie play nicely with Joel
- Boys singing when in a different room
- Family days with hubby and boys.
- Time with parents
- Losing weight at weigh in
- Free Time
- Selling through Kelly's Box
- Fitting in smaller clothes
- Holidays with family
- New Clothes
- New Accessories
- eBay selling
- Talking to like minded people
- Wine
- Boys Bedtime
- Quiet
- Being By the sea
- Butterflies
- Good Sleep
- Sweets especially Pick a Mix
- Upbeat Music
More than I thought when I started thinking about it. :)
Weight Track Weeks 13-16
Week 13: Lost 1lb
I let go at the weekend as we had a family BBQ, I didnt go mad but did enjoy a glass of wine or two. Eek! because of that though I have been focused for the remainder 5 days of the week and tried very hard to stick to the daily 26pp, which meant no wine all week.
People have started to notice my lose so that has made me feel good plus I feel better in clothes. I thought I would have lost a little more than 1lb but its got me to 10stone 13.5lb.
Week 14: Lost 1lb
We had a weekend away and another BBQ which meant more wine and the Sunday I really wanted to eat and gave into a Macdonalds. Monday I felt ill so didn't eat as much as couldn't face it. I'm thinking of doing a detox after feeling so rough and eating rubbish. I bet I haven't lost much if anything this week as the craving for chocolate has come back eek!
To motivate myself I have been looking back at pictures of me last year and now. I wasn't massive but you can see June last year my arms look double the size they do now. That's what 1 1/2 difference looks like.
1lb again which is still a lose and steadily losing so hopefully it will stay off.
Week 15: Lost 0.5lb (OMG Shocked)
Bad start to the new week by having chips on the Saturday and pizza on Sunday and hot chocolates with cream and marshmellows so already eaten into over half of my weekly allowance. Need to be really good the rest of the week and exercise.
Wednesday was the first day of exercise at home - sit-ups, plank, arm dips, squats and stretching.
Tried to be better towards the end of the week and had salads and detox tea. So glad I lost and not gained after the week I had.
Week 16: Maintained
Another not so good week as I used all daily and weekly pro points mainly due to snacking again can't help it but must admit the last two weeks have been stressful with illness and naughtiness from kids.
We had lunch and dinner out on Tuesday dinner was a burger and chips but didn't even enjoy it that much. I tried to gain points with activity by walking a lot but I have been a bit slack on the at home exercise I started the week before. I need to get my motivation back as I'd love another 5lb off before my holiday.
****** 1 stone 8lb ******
Measuremet Lose to date:
Waist lost: 5 1/2"
Hips lost: 3"
Thigh lost: 3"
Upper arm: 1"
I am Going Mad
Oh my god the past few weeks have been an absolute nightmare that I really really hate being a stay at home mum. Illness and naughtiness has been a major problem and I just feel numb from it all.
It is a battle everyday especially with my eldest child Ollie I really can't wait for him to go to school as a mum I really shouldn't say that but the stress is just too much now.
I can't control him at all I try and try but he just doesn't listen so I end up shouting due to the frustration. I never enjoyed working all that much but this is actually hell and now want to go to work.
Being a mum is not what I thought at all and I'm not really enjoying it. People keep saying to me enjoy this age as it goes so fast, you will be sad when they go to school but to be honest I can't wait for my freedom. I can't do anything without them. I was asked if I would like to help out at my weight watchers meetings on a Saturday but I can't because I'd have to bring these two naughty boys with me which wouldn't work, I've had to turn down doing craft events as no one around to look after the boys. It really does feel like its me and them 24/7 with hardly any help no matter how much I shout out for it.
I can't be the only person to feel this way but it does make me feel awful as I should be enjoying it but I think I will look back at this stage of my life as the toughest stage yet.
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Super Bargain

Wow wow wow I got these shoes for just £3 in one of my favourite colours bright blue.
The were £8 reduced to £6 but Store 21 have a points system and I gained £3 reward so I only paid £3 haha! This has made me smile today so had to share.
Friday, 15 August 2014
I Want, I Want
So many things I want to buy at the moment I keep seeing so many polka dot things that I've fallen in love with. The colour orange is also a new favourite.
My want list:
Sunday, 10 August 2014
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