22.04.11 6 days old |
17.04.11 Day after birth |
I've been looking back over the last year with my little man in pictures from the very first day to this week eating ice cream. I can't believe how quickly this first year has gone with only two weeks until Ollie's first birthday.
The changes so far are massive so I can't imagine what another year will bring. A Few pics here to share my year so far with the little guy.
03.06.11 about 6 weeks old |
My last Friday with just me and my little man before the changes begin. Hubby finishes work today and I will start back on Wednesday, what timing. At least it will be daddy looking after little man for a bit which makes it a little easier on me in the mornings as I won't have to rush around getting myself and little man ready then drop him off at a childminder then for me to get to work on time. I think I would have been exhausted before my day even started.
It is a daunting feeling going back to work after a year off although as I said last week I think I may need it as the whinging is starting to get to me especially when it's a lot of the day it starts to grate on you.
19.06.11 2 months old |
I think Ollie is getting to the stage where he needs a lot more stimulation as his toys do not seem to be enough, some days the toy box we keep downstairs is left alone all day, he even seems fed up with his Jumperoo.
I've been trying to get him out and about mixing with other children which he seems to enjoy and he's loving the soft play centres but it's not something you can do everyday so at the moment he seems happy emptying my shoe box, playing with empty boxes and balloons I have left over from my birthday. Sometimes the simple things are the best.
24.09.11 5 months |
Over the past week Ollie has decide he wants to walk the majority of the time now which is so sweet because he has this grin on his face when he does it. We nipped into the supermarket quickly the other day and all Ollie wanted to do was get down and walk so we let him and he actually walked the full length of the isle but as soon as I picked him up he screamed the place down (nightmare).
28.09.11 |
02.10.11 |
17.01.12 9 Months Old |
He was given his first pair of shoes yesterday which we need to test out, hopefully he will not scream the house down like he normally does when he has socks on. I can't always put sleep suits on him now because of the feet he screams and screeches until I take it off.
It's utter madness I feel like this house is never quiet anymore because this little person will not allow it.
24.03.12 |
Well I hope you like the pictures I have so many more but these are just a sneaky peak of me and Ollie over the year.
28.03.12 11 months old |
awww ollie is such a little cutie :) I hope you all have a wonderful 1st birthday together :D xxx