I've no topic to write about but I'm feeling very fed up with life at the moment so I need to get a few things off my chest.
With only one of us working (me) people kept saying go to citizens advice as you maybe able to do this, that etc so the hubby went yesterday and nothing they can recommend or advice they can give to help us out......really.
I'm shocked at all those people out there that don't even try to work get so much more it doesn't make sense and really not fair as they seem to have bigger houses to shelter their tens of kids and still get holidays, big tvs, cars and even pets (they aren't cheap).
Another thing getting me at the moment is being back at work after a year out - it does not work. It may for some if they have a good career but I guess they wouldn't take that long off if they did.
I've not felt welcome and more like why are you back. In a year a company can change quite dramatically so to be expected to just fit in isn't easy and people my god they can change if given a little more power.
What else can I moan about.......badly built houses, feeling fat and frumpy, mortgage companies that don't help when you ask for it uh I need some happy thoughts can anyone help me with that?