12 WEEKS |
OMG......I am Pregnant with baby number 2 and already showing.
I have recorded my thoughts over the last few weeks on my phone but now the first scan has been done I can publish the start of my pregnancy diary no.2, (5 - 12 weeks).
07.05.2012: Had a positive pregnancy test. I just knew I was as over the last couple of weeks I felt funny, weak, shaky, funny taste in my mouth, weeing a lot and dark patches around my eyes appeared. Also had nausea on / off plus tired which I always am anyway but a different tired, I also hear a heart beat in my ear which I got with Ollie (very odd symptom) I would estimate that I am 5 weeks gone (same time when found out about Ollie).
I have mixed emotions felt pretty shaky when I saw 2nd line appear and then showed hubby omg what will we do as we've just made life even harder for ourselves.
I feel a little embarrassed as we aren't good financially so it's not a good time and I've only been back at work a month but I am kinda excited as we are extending our family, but boy will it be hard work. I actually did have tears as I'm not sure I feel ready for a 2nd and to go through that pain again scares me and pregnancy at work again.
No turning back now uh oh! Can't tell anyone yet, I'll do a 2nd test in the morning to make sure .
Weirdly mum last night looked at my belly and said you aren't pregnant are you as looks hard not blubbery as I was complaining about being fat, looking at pics when pregnant with Ollie I already look 16 weeks.
08.05.2012: 2nd test positive. Kept feeling rather excited today.
10.05.2012: Feeling very sick throughout the day, at one point I had to get up and go the bathroom at work cos I was worried. Very tired. Felt very sick again in evening oh it's happening already.
12.05.2012: Told my mum, I think she was a little shocked.
14.05.2012: Paul told his family so at least out now just got to wait another 6 weeks until scan to tell everyone.
Week 6 - horrible week very emotional feeling very sick. So tired, feel fatter and keep feeling hungry.
Week 9 - been feeling ill last few days not sure if it's related to pregnancy (jubilee weekend) taken day off work as really can't function it, just feel so weak. Past few weeks I've been feeling very sick, emotional and tired. My tummy goes hard sometimes which I'm sure is too early - I'm feeling like I did in late pregnancy last time. Think I've put on another 3lb as well so up to 12st 3lb. I feel like I need to hide the belly especially at work.
08.06.12: First midwife appointment checked weight-which was lower than I thought. I had a blood sample well kinda asked her to as I wonder if I'm lacking in iron as I've been so weak, dizzy and low this week - called work and said I'd be back Monday.
10.06.2012: so emotional today cried before work cos I couldn't face it and fought hard all morning to keep it in then broke at lunch plus feeling sicky and have a cold. Not enjoying it at all but can't wait to get scan date through the post to actually see bubba on the screen.
16.06.2012: Evening feeling so big and uncomfortable.
17.06.2012: OMG what is going on with me Ollie is being naughty and I really can't cope today burst into tears - just feel so low and emotional.
Belly feels so heavy especially when walking feels like im further along.
19.06.2012: Heart burn, keep waking up, out of breath when walking and sure I feel flutters already. Loving strawberries, crisps can't drink tea especially at work (same happened with ollie)
23.06.2012: Am I having twins? I feel bigger, nausea is worse I think and so very tired....I keep thinking it now....find out Tuesday.
24.06.2012: Woke up feeling rough today I'm not sure if it's hayfever or a cold but want to be lazy. I'm so hungry today just want to keep eating.
12 week scan |
26.06.2012: SCAN DAY. Not a good start to the morning Ollie up at 6am then started to get very naughty, I'm just too tired to deal with it.
Scan at 10.20am an all is great with one not two strong heart beat and very active little thing, he/she was on it's belly then spun round. I didn't get any feeling of what the sex could be like I did Ollie. Felt much more positive after seeing the little person on the screen.