I was reading an article about how long you should take off for maternity apparently we are lucky in the UK as we can have up to 52 weeks off as places like Spain, the Netherlands and France only get 16 weeks off, while in the US it's just 12 weeks. I had no idea other countries had such little time with there babies but of course us Brit's can't always take a full 52 weeks due to finances mainly and I guess how you feel about motherhood a lot of women can't wait to go back to work especially if very career focused.
About 20 % of UK women work just before delivery and return within one and two months. I can imagine if you are very career minded and are in a top position it would be extremely damaging to have a full year off. Some women CEO's go back only after a week, people take more going on holiday that's madness.
I couldn't have gone back after a week I wouldn't have been capable to do my job as I hardly slept the first week, I was in pain due to stitches after a forceps delivery and couldn't even sit down at times, emotionally I was all over the place being a mum for the first time well it hit me hard so how these women do it I don't know do they hand the baby over straight away for someone else to look after?
With my first baby I left 3 weeks before my due date but I was ready to leave before as I found it exhausting. I was lucky enough to take a full year off but it definitely does take it's toll on your career. Before I was pregnant I had the opportunity to go down the path I finally wanted to in my company and they offered to pay for recognised courses to help my development but I then had to turn it down because I found I was pregnant and my exams would have been around my due date and I thought it would be impossible but thinking about it I bet many women would have still gone ahead. I then took a full year out and once back I found the company had moved on and made many role changes and my opportunity had disappeared completely and I was back to where I had started it felt like I had started a new job which was extremely hard to come to terms with as now I feel I missed an opportunity that I will never get back again and have to settle with being told what to do which isn't easy if you have some ambition.
Then again I don't regret having a year with my baby I didn't miss his firsts which made me incredibly proud and moments that you will never get back so it's extremely difficult to decide how long to take as it is pretty much a decision over your baby and your career.
I'm pregnant for a second time and this time as I would like to spend some time with my son before the second baby arrives so I will start my maternity 5 weeks before my due date and as I've already damaged my career I would still take another year if possible the only thing that will stop me is finances.