It was the first time we used the double buggy today, we've been avoiding it as we thought Joel would scream the whole time and that it would be difficult to manoeuvre around shops but due to me having a bad back I was not going to carry Joel in a sling.
Joel was actually okay until we stopped at any point lol! Then he cried but as soon as setting off again he fell asleep. It was Ollie that was the problem as he now just wants to walk everywhere but that's impossible for me especially when I wondered off on my own so to push a buggy, keep hold of Ollie and with a bad back my only solution was to offer him a treat bad I know but what are you to do.
Anyway all in all I didn't find it too bad I did have a spin around a couple of clothes shops just to see if I could fit down isles with a double buggy and yes as expected some areas are a no go but I think that would apply to most buggies to be fair.

In resent weeks I have found having a young baby again does make you realise places do not cater for parents and little ones. We stopped at a petrol station as Joel needed a nappy change but did they have facilities...NO. They had a reasonable sized toilet so plenty of space for a bit of plastic to pull down as a changing station, in the end I had to wipe the floor and put my own mat down on the floor to change him which wasn't very pleasant.
Another thing I'm noticing is the lack of places to breast feed, if you stop in a lot of service stations or coffee shops they are so open wherever you sit which I find stressful and I become reluctant to stop for a drink incase Joel will wake to be feed.
Last week we went out for lunch with family and the place they chose was not particularly good for children as it was small, cramped in fact so I started to feel very anxious as I knew I would have to breast feed at some point. We sat at a table which was surrounded by other people and to top it off a massive mirror at the end of the room so I was horrified as I kept thinking everyone will be able to see me feed but I DID IT, I used my coat as a cushion and my scarf as a cover up so I think I did pretty well, I looked in the mirror and couldn't see any flesh.
Breastfeeding wasn't the only stressful episode we had Ollie too who never sits still for a minute and food was taking a while so he was up, down, up, down on chairs and wasn't being very patient as expected so thankfully grandma packed some crayons and paper to distract him......what would you do without grandparents.
All these things are just making me think I do not want to go out on my own with two children I need another adult with me at all times lol!
How does everyone else cope with more that one child under three.........I'd love to know?