Thursday, 28 February 2013

Merging Blogs

I have decided to merge my two blogs Mummy Beautiful and Little Blue Feet.

Mummy Beautiful is all about fashion, style and all things that make me feel good. Many posts are about bargain hunting, wants and sales.

Little Blue Feet started as an online pregnancy diary but continued as a collection of my thoughts and every day life being me, a mummy and a diary of a second pregnancy, oh and not forgetting the rants.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

What is up with me today

I've woken up in such a foul mood today and I'm not sure why. I feel like I need to be on my own. I'm wondering if it is because I don't get much time on my own as I always have a child with me when I shower, go to toilet and even at night I tend to have Joel sleeping on me then there is breast feeding every two hours and when I do that Ollie has to sit right next to me most of the time which is lovely but I need some space so I'm actually writing this in the car as I've just been to the nurse for a jab - it's my breathing space before I go home.

I do feel guilty when I snap at Ollie or even the hubby as they haven't really done anything it's me being in a mood, I do hope I snap out of it. I guess it's just a down day :(

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Out With Two Boys

It was the first time we used the double buggy today, we've been avoiding it as we thought Joel would scream the whole time and that it would be difficult to manoeuvre around shops but due to me having a bad back I was not going to carry Joel in a sling.
Joel was actually okay until we stopped at any point lol! Then he cried but as soon as setting off again he fell asleep. It was Ollie that was the problem as he now just wants to walk everywhere but that's impossible for me especially when I wondered off on my own so to push a buggy, keep hold of Ollie and with a bad back my only solution was to offer him a treat bad I know but what are you to do.
Anyway all in all I didn't find it too bad I did have a spin around a couple of clothes shops just to see if I could fit down isles with a double buggy and yes as expected some areas are a no go but I think that would apply to most buggies to be fair.

In resent weeks I have found having a young baby again does make you realise places do not cater for parents and little ones. We stopped at a petrol station as Joel needed a nappy change but did they have facilities...NO. They had a reasonable sized toilet so plenty of space for a bit of plastic to pull down as a changing station, in the end I had to wipe the floor and put my own mat down on the floor to change him which wasn't very pleasant.
Another thing I'm noticing is the lack of places to breast feed, if you stop in a lot of service stations or coffee shops they are so open wherever you sit which I find stressful and I become reluctant to stop for a drink incase Joel will wake to be feed.

Last week we went out for lunch with family and the place they chose was not particularly good for children as it was small, cramped in fact so I started to feel very anxious as I knew I would have to breast feed at some point. We sat at a table which was surrounded by other people and to top it off a massive mirror at the end of the room so I was horrified as I kept thinking everyone will be able to see me feed but I DID IT, I used my coat as a cushion and my scarf as a cover up so I think I did pretty well, I looked in the mirror and couldn't see any flesh.
Breastfeeding wasn't the only stressful episode we had Ollie too who never sits still for a minute and food was taking a while so he was up, down, up, down on chairs and wasn't being very patient as expected so thankfully grandma packed some crayons and paper to distract him......what would you do without grandparents.

All these things are just making me think I do not want to go out on my own with two children I need another adult with me at all times lol!

How does everyone else cope with more that one child under three.........I'd love to know?

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Lazy Sunday

Ollie and daddy sleeping
Most days we wait for Ollie to wake up before we start our day which was 8.30am today then I do the normal mummy routine of getting breakfast for everyone and play a little with Ollie as well as feeding Joel, but none of us got dressed until midday today even daddy and now everyone but me is having a nap and I'm the one who gets less sleep how does that work.
I just can't seem to fall asleep because my neighbours have decided to put crappy music on that is far too loud which just makes me angry so I thought I'd rant on a post......oh I hate having inconsiderate neighbours and paper thin walls you just never have any peace. Now is the perfect opportunity to get some sleep as BOTH terrors are asleep which never ever happens typical.

Joel sleeping
I left this post earlier as I spoke too soon and both woke at the same time and both as grumpy as each other.

I remember Sundays in my twenties I used to get up in the afternoon after a late night before and just laze about with no responsibility oh to have a day like that again. It'll be years until that will happen again :(

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Sling or Buggy?

Each time we wonder out of the house I have been putting off using a double buggy by putting Ollie in his single buggy and Joel in a sling because I know Joel will sleep most of the time if carried and I know I will be able to get into places with a single buggy, but I'm now wondering if using a sling every time I go out with Joel is a good idea as could it be the reason he is so clingy and that he's a happier baby if he's held all the time which is most of the day and night.
Even though it keeps him asleep it can be difficult to do anything with a baby strapped to you constantly and it gives you a bad back but I keep thinking its exercise and it could help me lose weight plus it gives me peace.

Do you think I'm doing more harm than good using a sling?

Friday, 22 February 2013

My Little Man - 8 Weeks

Another week older and little Joel seems less fragile than he was with his chunky legs and a double chin. He's sleeping less in the day as he's started discovering the world around him but he's still a little piglet and feeds pretty much every two hours unless I'm walking about with him in the sling. Night time sleeping hasn't really changed.

Ollie seems to be a lot better with him lately although now he tries to pick him up which is a bit scary. 
Today I put Joel on his lap so Ollie decided to stroke him and point out his nose, mouth, eyes, tummy which was very sweet. He cried when I took him away bless him.

Friday, 15 February 2013

High Street Clothes £20 & Under

Finally a high street store taking note of budgets, Dorothy Perkins have offers on 100 dresses for £20 or Under, 100 Tops £12 and All knitwear £20 or under. So it's worth a look. Check out my favourites
on offer;

100 dresses for £20 or Under

Multi black vintage dressGrey windowpane check dress

I would wear these with leggings as they look pretty short and a pair of boots for the day or to glam them up tights and heels.

  100 Tops £12 and under

Caramel and black stripe top

Purple foil diamond shell top

As I only had a baby 7 weeks ago I need to hide my jelly belly so I would go for these two tops and wear with leggings and boots or ballerina shoes.

All knitwear £20 or under

Black raggy stripe jumper Berry wave stitch jumper 
Again to hide my belly I would go for a longer look jumper and these would be great with leggings and boots or ballerina shoes.

My Baby Boy is 7 Weeks old

Yet another week has passed where are these weeks going. 

Joel weighed 11lb 14oz on Monday so I must be doing something right although he is a bit of a piglet with feeds as mentioned last week. I think he has had yet another growth spurt this week as I've had many days of hourly feeds again so I hope it starts to die down now.

From last Friday turning 6 weeks his night sleeping has been better as from 10-11pm he can sleep up to 5 hours straight but mostly with me holding him. We had a break through last night I let him fall asleep on me then I put him in a sleeping bag in his Moses basket just before 11pm, he did wake up when I put him down but I used a dummy and a music box from a slumber bear a friend lent me to try as it activates womb sounds. I don't know if it was the sounds, sleeping bag or dummy but he slept until 1.40am in his Moses basket yay!
When he woke up I went to feed him but he fell asleep straight away on me until 4.35am so really that was over 5 hours sleep. I tried putting him back in the moses basket with the music box and he was ok for 5 minutes but got fussy and cried. 
 It's a start though as I can't expect a miracle over night. I'm happy he can sleep 5 hours straight no matter if I'm holding him or not as with Ollie this did not happen until he was at least 5 months old.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Week 6

In the past week we have had little smiles and Joel seems to want to lift his head for long periods either when holding him or when he is lying down he just wants to see what is going on around him. He is also staring at colourful toys and following with his eyes when we move them (so proud).

Today he turned 6 weeks old and gave me the biggest smile which just filled me with happiness it's so strange what simple things a little one can do to brighten up your day. I keep trying to get him to do it again so I can take a photo but its not happening.

The last two nights Joel has slept 5 hours straight which has been amazing and then he seems to wake every 2 hours until 8am. The odd day and especially early evenings he wants to feed every hour. The longest he goes without food is if I go out walking with him in a sling then it can stretch to 3-4 hours before a feed.

We shall see on Monday if he has put on any weight which I'm sure he has. From birth he was 8lb 15oz then at 4 weeks he shot up to 10lb 14.5oz.
He's growing so quickly he has now grown out of his first size sleep suits.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

What to do?

Ollie now 21 months old has become very naughty and sneaky since his baby brother arrived.

He comes over to me when holding Joel or feeding him and he kisses his head and gently strokes him but then in a split second he changes and grabs Joel in a nasty way well I don't know if he intends for it to be nasty but he has been told off many times now and left to cry it out in his room but he still does it.

As Ollie's jealousy is increasing I'm worried Joel will be hurt, What do you do?
Has anyone else experienced this, I'd love to hear your stories and how you have overcome them or does it really just get better as people say?

I guess from Ollie's point of view he sees Joel as an intruder taking the attention mummy and daddy always gave to him and he just can't bare sharing. He's found that being naughty gets him attention but I hate shouting at him and all I seem to say is 'No Ollie', 'stop Ollie' and our punishment at the moment is putting him in his cot and leaving him there for 10-15 mins. Then explain to him what he has done.

I think now a bigger age gap would have been much easier to handle. I feel guilt towards both really as the constant telling off with Ollie and also not being able to do the same things I did with Ollie with Joel. If I put a toy in front of Joel or lay him on a play mat Ollie goes mad because he doesn't want Joel to have it and tries to snatch them away which creates another massive episode and mostly ends up with both boys crying which is not a desired sound.

Children are hard work and so stressful if another person comments that I'm now a lady of leisure I think I may punch them.