It was quite horrendous my first few days alone due to hubby being away and illness strikes. Ollie has never really been sick so it scared him it was horrible to see as you feel so helpless this was mainly Monday but yesterday he wouldn't eat or drink until much later in the day plus he was so tired so for me to feel ill was the worst thing to happen - mums cannot get ill.
With trying to comfort Ollie, make sure Joel was fed, clear all the mess after several clothes changes in the night all while I was in and out of the toilet. The toilet then decided yo block and the washing machine wouldn't work aaaagggghhhh! By that point the tears hit me as I was exhausted. Luckily my mum came to the rescue to help me - I really needed it.
It was about midday before I actually opened any birthday presents and cards but it didn't feel right, I had some lovely presents and cards but all I wanted to do was sleep and get rid if the bug. I didn't even bother with the usual birthday cake and candles which is a first but I had no appetite.
Always next year.
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