Hubby came home Thursday afternoon which was a sigh of relief. Missed not having him around.
After dinner I started to feel very sick again aggghhh! I wish this bug would disappear, seems to re-appear if I eat but I have to eat something as I'm breast feeding Joel, maybe that's why he's unsettled he's not getting enough milk. This carried on into Friday feeling rough on and off throughout the day so it was a big struggle to occupy two small children especially Ollie who was back back to his normal self wanting constant attention. All I wanted to do all day was to sleep. Still feeling rough through to evening hubby made a bit of dinner but I couldn't manage much and Ollie fell asleep in his chair so he was in bed by 7.30pm and I was by 9pm.
Hoping for lots asleep....I wish, Joel woke several times during the night and the only way to send him back to sleep was to feed him. Its so exhausting.......I only want sleep so I can recover.
Saturday now and feeling ok although after having breakfast I felt that bubbly tummy again and the stress head just will not go away. So I escaped to pamper myself with a bath, paint nails and wash hair - I just NEEDED some time to myself after being with the two boys 24/7.
Do any other mums out there need alone time?
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