Monday, 11 March 2013

First Night On My Own

For the last 10 weeks since having Joel I have had my hubby around day and night. He got up with Ollie while I tended to Joel throughout the night, he has been doing most of the cooking and housework. He now has a new job and the next two weeks is away on training so it's all down to me to sort the boys, cooking and house uh oh! I've been spoilt having the help for so long.

Last night was my first night alone in probably years so you can imagine it was pretty weird.
My mum and dad helped me get both boys sorted for baths and bed so I wasnt completely on my own. Both boys were asleep by 9pm so I thought I'd get an early night but actually didn't until 11pm as those lovely neighbours of mine had their tv blaring - so inconsiderate. Anyway I was woken at 1.45pm by Joel for a feed then shortly after Ollie started crying so I went in and stroked his head and put his covers back on and then didn't hear another peep, of course Joel woke a couple more times but all in all it was a successful night. 

For the rest of the week I have friends popping in for lunch almost every day so I still won't be completely on my own. I thought if I didn't arrange meet ups I'd have no hair left by the end of the first week by pulling it out lol!

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