Saturday, 12 May 2012

Day 12: What's Inside Your Fridge

Day 12 of the 31 day blog challenge - What's Inside Your Fridge

My fridge contents
This is a funny post as I'm not sure many people would really care what is in my fridge. 

Not a lot in there at the moment just eggs, cheese, tomatoes, Jam, butter, baby jar, blueberries, onion, carrot sticks, humus, red pepper, Philadelphia, pitits filous and in the door is milk, mayonnaise, orange juice, ginger, garlic and beetroot.

There you have it short and sweet :)


  1. Short and Sweet just like mine! Not much you can really say about your fridge without sounding a tad weird is there? lol xx

  2. Lol I agree with the short and sweet staetment there isnt much to say is there! It looks there are going to be a lot of bloggers food shopping this weekend!

  3. Quite a lot of items in common - including blueberries and ginger
