Monday, 7 May 2012

Day 7: Your Pet Hates

Day 7 of the 31 day blog challenge Your Pet Hates.....I have a few:

  • Arrogance 
  • Rudeness
  • Laziness
  • Bad manners
  • Noisy eaters
  • Nose pickers in public
  • People who burp and fart in public
  • People in shops pushing you out the way
  • People not covering their mouth or nose when they cough or sneeze
  • When a neighbour plays their music too loud
  • Smelly people  
  • People you don't put rubbish in bins and just drop it anywhere
  • People who wear trousers half way down their legs
  • Fat women who show it all
  • Smoking
  • Bra showing on a backless top
  • Chavs
  • People who think they're better than you 
  • People who take too long to pay for groceries in supermarkets 
  • Staff who ignore you in shops when paying
  • People who block, supermarket isles, pavement etc 
  • People who just suddenly stop when you are walking behind them
  • Drivers driving to close
  • When people step on your toes and don't say sorry
  • People who speak too loudly when not necessary 
  • Socks and sandals
  • People who constantly swear - read a dictionary.
  • Nasty people
  • People who do not clean up after dogs especially if its outside my house
  • Bossiness
  • People who do not respect other people's items
  • People not putting trolleys back in the bay
It's quite a list and I'm sure I can think of more....oh dear....I do like some people honest.


  1. Ha Ha, love it! This is what my list would have looked like if I hadn't done it so early before my second cup of tea! x

  2. I've actually got a bloke who lets his dog poo /in/ my garden- makes me so mad! Great list- I can relate with about 90% lol

  3. AGREED!! Lol. I love that you really went for it with this post! ;)

  4. LOL, I totally agree with the supermarket comments. Drives me nuts and even more so now that supermarkets seem to have narrowed their aisles!

  5. Great list - no point in holding back! With you on most of those - in fact all of them :)

  6. No holding back.....i love it! Fab list xx
