Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Day 8: What's In Your Handbag

Day 8 of the 31 day blog challenge - What is in my handbag:

Over the last year I used to just take a baby changing bag everywhere and just add my purse and iPhone to it but now I'm a working mum I can actually use a handbag again and I am rather crazy with handbags well actually all accessories as I like things to match so I do change my handbag to match my outfit most days but I always transfer these items: 

  • Purse with hardly ever any money in it but it has everything else such as points cards, debit cards, pic of my little guy.
  • A tin of Vaseline
  • Roll on deodorant
  • Lip gloss
  • Pressed powder to take the shine away
  • A diary - not sure why really
  • A pen - you never know when you need one 
  • iPhone - wouldn't be without it
  • Handy wipes - especially if out with Ollie
  • My glasses
  • House keys
Not really a very exciting list. I've been trying to upload a photo but I'm at work and haven't great internet on my phone.


    1. I used to be crazy into handbags, always have different ones. But I've stopped that since having a baby. Can't wait for the day I can start up again! ;)

    2. Oh yes - never without my iphone - although I tend to keep mine in my pocket, not in my bag.

    3. I too carry a diary, not that i ever use it as its all saved on my iphone! lol xx

    4. I think a diary is a great idea!

    5. I love hand bags too. :)

    6. I always wished I remembered to stash deodorant in my bag haha

    7. It is nice having to use a handbag again and not just carrying around baby bits.
      It makes me feel me again weirdly.
