I've been back at work for a month already although this is my first full week. I've had ups and downs but generally it's okay I feel I escape for the day and feel I have a little bit of me back again also I think a bit of intelligence has come back (only a little though). Even so I'm still not 100% on this role reversal with my husband, I don't like leaving him and Ollie in the morning knowing they are spending time together without me and have the freedom to do as they please. I miss cuddles and being lazy in the mornings, the little things little man does to make me smile throughout the day, meeting up with the other mums for a natter and generally just Ollie and mummy time.
It all feels rather strange at the moment, I don't feel as needed as I used to. Daddy has his moments when he's had enough (I get text updates while i'm away) but he said he quites likes being at home (oh no what about me). Maybe I'm being old fashioned but I think mum is best at home while daddy makes the money or at least mummy works part time.
I didn't want a child for so long just to go back to my old way of living, I don't want to miss my little guy growing / developing as I will regret it one day I know as people always say make the most of it as it goes so quickly - it is very true.
It is tough balancing everything as for the past few weeks it has been work, get home be mummy and go to bed. I miss being able to blog as much as I used to, taking silly photos of Ollie and my crazy ideas making crafts. I just don't fit it in at the moment even my husband feels neglected but I'm no super woman.
It's really tough adjusting to being a working Mum, try not to be too hard on yourself. It's natural to feel some envy towards the person looking after your baby while you bring in the bacon - it's crappy! But you'll get there. Chin up! x