Day 18 of the 31 day blog challenge - The meaning of your blog name
I started this blog February 2010 when I was pregnant to keep as a diary which was orginally called 'Everything Baby Blog' which I kept until this year.
I then realised you could buy a domain name and attach it so Little Blue Feet is soley because of Ollie.
Feet because I have a thing about his feet since my 12 week scan I thought it looked like he was chilling out with his feet up and I hate to say it smoking. Thoughout my pregnancy I kept looking at this and just couldn't wait to kiss those Little Feet. He now hates socks on his feet and loves wondering bare foot.
Althrough pregnancy and labour I thought I was having a girl as we were told we were at the 20 week scan so a baby boy was a bit of a shock so I guess that is why I added the Blue. Little Blue Feet seemed perfect as it represents Ollie.
I then realised you could buy a domain name and attach it so Little Blue Feet is soley because of Ollie.
Althrough pregnancy and labour I thought I was having a girl as we were told we were at the 20 week scan so a baby boy was a bit of a shock so I guess that is why I added the Blue. Little Blue Feet seemed perfect as it represents Ollie.
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