Saturday, 26 May 2012

Day 26: An old photo of you

Day 26 of the 31 day blog challenge - An old photo of you

I love looking at old photos I haven't any baby photos of me they are all with my mum and dad but this is when I must have been at nursery and I can definitely see my little Ollie in this picture. Which is nice as everyone says he looks like my husband.

I've also included a picture of me at college as a teenager I must be about 18 here. The best year I think as a teen as I had everything ahead of me I could be or do whatever I wanted it would be nice to rewind sometimes.


  1. You were a little sweetie, and I agree, your son is like you, perhaps around the eyes and cheeks.

  2. Your son does look like you - and I LOVE your hair in your college picture!
